Tuesday, September 14, 2010

all i needed is 'you'

I don't think I can see you any more, you beautiful woman. It's torture, just torture. I want to claim you as mine and I'm far too late for that. I love you, seriously. I won't ever forget you. And you've taught me one things I needed to learn.there is, I have no control over my feelings, and anytime I think I do, it is all pure illusion, and I am lying to myself.I guess there are more things, but I can't think of any more.But making the decision has already made me feel better, some relief. So I know it's the right one. At least, until I hear her voice again, I have to say good bye or something. I am afraid to see her again. She deserves more than that, and I want to see her face one more time.if i can ;) i can't to stop loving you,loving you and loving you.idk why -.- maybe,u are the one that i'm waiting for,hopefully.maybe one days,not now.


  1. change the word 'she' to 'he', change the word 'beautiful woman' to 'handsome boy/pretty boy' and ur post very related to me syah. fyi, ur name 'syah' just similar with him.

  2. seriously?whoahh,we had the same problems here -.-
